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One night to revive capital's missing landmarks
From drinks to dreams, from Bach to Zakha – this is how we gonna explore Berlin. Welcome to architecture & music tour of Europe’s liveliest city - by bike, by night, by VeloNacht. A ride to reconnect visions of baby Berlin in times of Grosser Kurfürst, overfilled with French immigrants, Berlin as an expressionist fairy tale in the 1910’s, or just the place to reinvent themselves – like it worked for Vladimir Nabokov, David Bowie or Chen Kuen Lee. Join the ride★
Get ready for 21 kms relaxed nocturnal cycling with World's leading historians to explain monuments, with specially created soundtrack of wonderful tunes created in (and for) Berlin during its such a polyphonic life – J.-S.Bach toThe Peaches to name just a few. Here's the registration .★
Introducing our brilliant experts: Prof. Tim Blanning (Cambridge university) is an author of award-winning bestseller Frederick the Great. Prof. David Clay Large (Berkeley university, California) gifted us his book Berlin - bursting with unusual facts documenting its quick rise from a tiny town to the World city of now. We are happy to have with us an inspiring voice of the Kreuzberg patriot Martin Düspohl, long-time curator of the legendary FHXB Museum. The ride is written and designed by historian Sergey Nikitin, professor of University of Verona, founder VeloNotte Academy.★
No need a punishing fitness regimen for Velonotte: just get to the meeting point on your bike and a smartphone with 3G (and battery & headphones supposedly) - to follow speakers and soundtrack. Please note that according to traffic rules, your bike have to have a light. Registration here from 10 Euro .
We meet at the Museum for Architecture Drawing (Christinenstraße 18A) from 20-00.
The ride start at 21-00 and we finish in Mitte around 23-30.
With your registration, you can also visit exhibition "Berlin projects" in the Museum free of charge.
Tags: #VelonotteBerlin, #velonotte2017
Co-production - Christian Burkhard.
Supported by Museum of Architecture Drawing.
Research partners: KulturProjekte-Berlin, Goethe Institut, FHXB Museum.★
ПО-РУССКИ: Велоночь в Берлине! 3 с половиной часа вдумчивой прогулки на велосипедах по местам, где творилась история и мировая архитектура. С ведущими учеными из Кембриджа, Беркли и Берлина.
Невидимый Берлин - это новый маршрут для столицы Германии, объединяющий все ее основные эпохи и легендарные районы Кройцберг, Митте, Пренцлауэрберг, Тигартен и Курфюрстендамм.
Спикеры: проф.Тим Блэннинг из Кембриджа, проф.Дэвид Клей Лардж из Беркли, доктор Мартин Дюсполь из Музея Кройцберга. Ведущий - проф. Сергей Никитин (Веронский университет), основатель Velonotte Academy. К сожалению, их книги пока не переведены на русский, но мы надеемся, это скоро произойдет.
В рамках выставки "Проекты Берлина. Архитектурный рисунок 1920-1990-х годов" в Музее архитектурного рисунка. Кстати, все участники события могу посмотреть выставку бесплатно. Приезжайте заранее на точку старта - к 20-00.
Регистрация здесь.
Сбор во дворе Музея архитектурного рисунка (Christinenstraße 18A) c 20-00.
Старт колонны в 21-00. Финал в Митте около 23-30.

Grab a book to inspire your next Berlin experience
Frederick the Great: King of Prussia (2015) by T.C.W. Blanning
Berlin (1990) by David Clay Large
Berlin (2014) by Rory MacLean
Cabaret Berlin historical web-site by Brendan Nash
Elektropolis Berlin (2014) by Thorsten Dame.

A part of Berlin projects exhibition at MAD
The exhibition "Berlin Projects. Architectural Drawings 1920–1990" at Museum for Architecture Drawing delves into an exciting period in the urban and architectural development of capitla as rendered by Hans Scharoun, Hans Poelzig, Frei Otto, Gottfried Böhm, Zaha Hadid, Álvaro Siza Vieira and other famous architects whose drawings are part of the collection of the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main.
What is VeloNotte?
History is cycling! We explore cities by night and by bike.
We have a generous selection of scholars and architects to guide us.
VeloNotte has a scenario – beginning, middle and the end, like a good piece by Shakespeare.
From ghosts to bricks we weave it all into a compelling story.
97,000 people joined our events worldwide.
Velonotte Academy speakers featured Richard Rogers, Peter Ackroyd (London), Peter Eisenman, Cinzia de Lotto, Stefano Aloe (Verona), Ken Jackson (Columbia), Jean-Louis Cohen (New York University), Alessandro De Magistris (Politecnico di Milano), Carlo Blasi, Vittorio Vidotto (La Sapienza), Anna Bronovitskaya, Natalia Dushkina (Markhi).
How long it will be?
- The Velonotte journey will take 3 1/2 hours including 7 lecture-stops, with a picnic at the end
Will we have to ride fast?
- Approximate calculated speed - 10-11 km/h.
What do I have to take with me to listen to the guides?
- We will have a radio broadcasting, so bring a headset and a FM-radio to follow Velonotte or any other device with 3G. English version would be transmitted over Facebook.
Where can we rent bikes in Berlin?
- You have a plenty of choice here.
Our starting point will be at the Museum of architecture drawings in Prenzlauerberg and we will finish at deutsche architektur zentrum in Mitte.
If you have further questions, please contact us

Finest music to ride with
Velonotte Berlin will showcase capital’s urban & architectural evolution accompanied by finest music mix of tunes created (or danced) in Berlin during these periods. Featuring pieces by J.-S.Bach, Mozart, Boney M, Kraftwerk, Ideal, Wolf Biermann, Nina Hagen, Ton Steine Scherben, David Bowie, Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Iggy Pop, Lou Reed & Cosa Rosa.
История Велоночи
Более 97 тысяч человек участвовало по всему миру в инициативах Velonotte Academy. Среди спикеров в разных городах были выдающиеся архитекторы и деятели культуры: Эльдар Рязанов, Питер Акройд, Сергей Романюк, Питер Айзенман, Ричард Роджерс, Кен Джексон (Columbia), Жан-Луи Коэн (New York University), Витторио Видотто (La Sapienza), Анна Броновицкая и Наталья Душкина (МАРХИ).
Thanks to friends
Sergei Tchoban & Foundation
Monica Lenhard for enthusiasm
Liza Savina & Sparta
Yuri Gurzhy (DJ Rust) for first vision of Berlin
Sveta Müller
Michalel Schulte for consultation
Enjoy some music from our Velonotte Olimpica final in London in 2012. This is Trinity Laban string orchestra playing at 4AM!! !
О нас/ About Us
History is cycling! We want to inspire you with our planet's architecture, fauna, music and history. The brightest minds collaborate with Velonotte - from Stefano Boeri to Fedor Uspensky, from Richard Rogers to Vittorio Sgarbi. We are happy to accompany our rides with theater performances and contemporary art interventions in the urban context.
Plato used to walk in his Academy, we hop on bikes instead :)
Bring a friend! Read more.
C 2007 года Академия Велоночи Москультпрог организуют историко-архитектурные Гранд-туры на велосипедах по красивейшим городам мира. Автор и основатель проекта - историк Сергей Никитин. Подробнее
Контакты/ Contact Us
You can write email at:
velonotte#gmail.com (please replace # with @)
Meet us in Social networks: www.Facebook.com/Velonotte