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Velonotte Musica in London,
If streets could sing!..
Night of 16/17 June (XXVII)
Лондонская музыкальная Велоночь, 16/17 июня (ХХVII)   
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A night to ride the World's Best Of with a live band


Welcome to the Bike+Music Night of the year! Velonotte will explore places where great melodies were born – by bike by night with historians and a band!

If streets could sing - from Handel to Hendrix, from Diaghilev to Freddie Mercury. A journey with stops along the way, Velonotte will feature the words and insight of illustrious scholars: Prof.Derek B. Scott, Professor (Leeds, UK), author of “The sounds of the Metropolis: London, Vienna, Paris and New York”; Prof.Kari Kallioniemi (Turku, Finland), author of intense “Englishness, Pop and Post-War Britain”; historian of communities Dr.Oliver Marshall ( and urban historian Prof. Sergey Nikitin.

From Albert Hall to the ruins of the Basing Street Studios, from Kensington to Westminster.

Expect a 12-mile ride with 7 stops with stories and music.

Velonotte rides slow enough (5-6 mph) to gaze around at the scenery and imagine. A good music workout for parents with kids too. Join Velonotte (from 10 Euro*)

*) time limited offer for early birds! 


Directed by historian Sergey Nikitin.

Authours would like to dedicate Velonotte Musica to the memory of Chas Chandler (1938-1996), producer of Jimi Hendrix Experience and Slade, who could have turned 80 this year.

We welcome the support of our Friends. If you would like to know more about how to support our work, please write us .




Историк Сергей Никитин и VeloNotte™ Academy приглашают на Лондонскую музыкальную Велоночь

3 часа неспешного, вдумчивого путешествия по улицам, где родились легендарные мелодии, расцвел гений Моцарта, собралась группа Queen, спасался от банкротства Серж Дягилев. На остановках – рассказы знаменитых историков из Великобритании, Финляндии, России и живая музыка! Вам понадобится смартфон с интернетом, чтобы слушать комментарии экспертов и саундтрек.

На английском языке, с русским переводом. 
Прямая трансляция – Matryoshka Radio DAB.

Билеты - здесь.
Встречаемся на закате 16 июня на ступеньках Альберт Холла (юг). Сбор в 21:30, старт в 22:00, финиш - около 01:00 на Трафальгарской площади.

Длина маршрута - 18 км

Дети до 18 лет только в сопровождении родителей.
Лондонская Велоночь посвящается 80-летию со дня рождения Чеса Чендлера (1938-1996) музыканта и продюсера , открывшего миру Джими Хендрикса. 



Featuring music & art performances by
2 Bros (London)
Clara Morlino (Roma)
Mr Fox (London)
Lyuba Pronina (Brussels)
Dasha Serebryakova (Moscow)
SambaDar (Rio)
Thanks to our music advisors
Alexey Trifonov
Sweet Underground DJ's
Great books to make your music London experience more intense


Mozart  by Stanley Sadie


The Brazilian Sound: Samba, Bossa Nova and the Popular Music of Brazil by Chris McGowan


Sounds of the Metropolis: The 19th Century Popular Music Revolution in London, New York, Paris and Vienna. by Derek B. Scott.


Handel: The Man & His Music by Jonathan Keates


Diaghilev: A Life by Sjeng Scheijen 






How long it will be?

- The Velonotte Musica journey will take 3 hours around Westminster, Kensington, Chelsea and Belgravia 


Will we have to ride fast?

- Approximate calculated speed - 5-6 mph.


What do I have to take with me to listen to the guides?

- We will have a radio transmission in Italian, so bring a smartphone  to follow Velonotte with 3G. 


Where can we rent bikes in London?

We rent them at the bike shops; alternatively there is OBike & Barclays bike share



If you have further questions, please contact us

What is VeloNotte?


We explore cities by night and by bike.

We have a generous selection of scholars and architects to guide us.

VeloNotte has a scenario – beginning, middle and the end, like a good piece by Shakespeare.

From ghosts to bricks we weave it all into a compelling story.

97,000 people joined our events worldwide.

Velonotte Academy speakers featured Richard Rogers, Peter Ackroyd (London), Peter Eisenman, Cinzia de Lotto, Stefano Aloe (Verona), Ken Jackson (Columbia), Jean-Louis Cohen (New York University), Alessandro De Magistris (Politecnico di Milano), Carlo Blasi, Vittorio Vidotto (La Sapienza), Anna Bronovitskaya, Natalia Dushkina (Markhi).  

Thanks to Velonotte friends that made it happen 

Evgeni Tankhilevich

Peter Murray

Clem Cecil & Pushkin House

Elena Tsvetkova​

Elisa Byington​

Ilya Gonciarov

Thomas Steven

Adam Thompson

Olga Shukalo

Oliver Marshall

Lyubov Pronina

Manuella Merlo

Valentin Dyakonov

David Barrie




Video: Velonotte Olimpica in London in 2012 was wrapped up by unforgettable concert by Trinity Laban string orchestra at 4AM!!!

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О нас/ About Us

Since 2007 we have established a series of international Grand-tours in the greatest cities all over the World. Created by Sergey Nikitin & Velonotte International. Read more.

C 2007 года бюро Международных Велоночей и Москультпрог организуют историко-архитектурные Гранд-туры по красивейшим городам мира. Автор и основатель проекта - историк Сергей Никитин.

Контакты/ Contact Us

You can write email at: (please replace # with @)

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Velonotte, Velonoch, Velonight, Velonuit, Velonaecht, History is cycling are registered trademarks of Sergey Nikitin & Moskultprog, 2007-2017. The concept of the Velonotte as an event and our visual identity have been protected under Common Law since 2007.



Velonotte, Velonoch, Velonight are registered trademarks © 2007-2013 by Sergey Nikitin and VELONOTTE INTERNATIONAL. All rights reserved

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