Velonotte International Florence+Kids,
Night of 22/23 April (XXIII)
Флорентийская международная Велоночь для родителей с детьми, 22-23 Апреля (ХХIII)

Badge & tshirt per gli iscritti
Thank you Florence, see you in Verona!
We are invited to do it in Livorno and Auckland.
A Firenze con amici & bambini, una notte della storia in bici da non perdere
Una notte in bici per scoprire Firenze bella e nascosta con Velonotte international - grande giro tematico, centinaia di partecipanti provenienti da tutta Italia, Europa e Asia
7 km di percorso in 3 1⁄2 ore di ciclismo notturno rilassato per genitori & figli, nonni & nipoti per immergersi nella storia! La biciclettata avrà inizio alle 20:00 nel cuore della citta’ e si concluderà a mezzanotte con un dolcetto per tutti.
Ogni partecipante riceverà del materiale didattico che lo accompanerà durante nostro giro e che potrà continuare ad usare a casa.
Venite in bici con la radiolina.
Con musica e interventi di storici Mariella Zoppi, Marina Avdonina, Franco Cardini e Sergey Nikitin nella diretta radiofonica per la Controradio FM .
C'incontriamo a Piazza San Firenze alle 19-30. Partenza di colonna alle 20:00!
Dedicato a Filippo Brunelleschi ed il suo 640° anniversario.
Nell'ambito di Florence Bike Festival. Prenota qui (da 11 Euro*)
Sunrise of the mankind, the Renaissance gives you a new perception.
For the first time, Velonotte invites keen adventurous parents with kids in a pensive mood. We will explore Florence - a capital of arts – from Brunelleschi & Michelangelo to Browning and Tschaikovsky.
With lectures by Mariella Zoppi, Marina Avdonina, Franco Cardini e Sergey Nikitin.
Each participant will receive educational materials that to use during our tour and which he will bring home, or gift to friends. Supported by City of Florence and Florence Bike Festival.
Dedicated to the 640th anniversary of Filippo Brunelleschi, Florentine genius architect and publication of Florence guide by Stendhal. Below is his famous cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore cathedral. Become a member (from 11 Euro*)
Заря человечества, Ренессанс возрождает детское восприятие. Наша ВелоНочь обращена к пытливым родителям и задумчивым детям. Флоренция для нас с вами – солнце мировой культуры от Боттичелли до Чайковского, и обратно к Микеланджело и Брунеллески. Именно Филиппо Брунеллески, которому в этом году исполнилось бы 640 лет, мы посвящаем наш большой гран тур для маленьких (от 5 лет) и взрослых.
Спикеры Велоночи - ведущие историки Флоренции Франко Кардини и Мариэлла Дзоппи, культурологи Марина Авдонина и Сергей Никитин.
На старте каждый участник получит учебные материалы, который сможет взять домой.
Просим участников захватить цветные карандаши. На снимке слева - купол работы Брунеллески, символ и первейший памятник Возрождения. Регистрация - от 11 Евро
*) time limited offer for early birds!

Featuring 2 performances immersive tearali
a cura di Marianna Galloni, Clara Morlino & Gran Teatro Botanico

Teaching artworks
Didactic materials for the ride are developed by artist and pedagogue Daria Serebryakova
Great books to make your next Florence experience more intense
Illustrated history of Florence (2003) by Franco Cardini
Guida ai giardini di Firenze (2003) di Mariella Zoppi
The Agony and the Ecstasy (1961) by Irving Stone
Lives of the Artists (1517) by Giorgio Vasari
One night in Florence (1861) by Alexander Dumas
Florence (1816) by Stendhal
DK Eyewitness Florence & Tuscany Travel Guide (1994) by Christopher Catling
What is VeloNotte?
We explore cities by night and by bike.
We have a generous selection of scholars and architects to guide us.
VeloNotte has a scenario – beginning, middle and the end, like a good piece by Shakespeare.
From ghosts to bricks we weave it all into a compelling story.
97,000 people joined our events worldwide.
Velonotte Academy speakers featured Richard Rogers, Peter Ackroyd (London), Peter Eisenman, Cinzia de Lotto, Stefano Aloe (Verona), Ken Jackson (Columbia), Jean-Louis Cohen (New York University), Alessandro De Magistris (Politecnico di Milano), Carlo Blasi, Vittorio Vidotto (La Sapienza), Anna Bronovitskaya, Natalia Dushkina (Markhi).

История Велоночи
Более 97 тысяч человек участвовало по всему миру в в инициативах Velonotte Academy.
Среди спикеров в разных городах были выдающиеся архитекторы и деятели культуры: Эльдар Рязанов, Питер Акройд, Сергей Романюк, Питер Айзенман, Ричард Роджерс, Кен Джексон (Columbia), Жан-Луи Коэн (New York University), Витторио Видотто (La Sapienza), Анна Броновицкая и Наталья Душкина (МАРХИ).
Thanks to friends
Victoria Aristova
Giuseppe Lo Porto
Vanessa Prati
Elisa Abba
Caterpillar Radio2
Leo Katz
Fabio Crescioli
Marco Brizzi
Olga Ouvarova
Manuella Merlo
Andrea Zavvattaro
Tommaso Sacchi
Kristina Matasova
Dubby Dub
Valentin Dyakonov
David Barrie
Special thanks to Piergabriele Papadia de Bottini and Consolato Generale d'Italia a Mosca
Alessandro Borrani
and his In Florence Academy , the primary language school to teach Italian language and culture to foreign students.
How long it will be?
- The Velonotte+kids journey will take 3 hours including 6 lecture-stops, more or less in the center
Will we have to ride fast?
- Approximate calculated speed - 8 km/h.
What do I have to take with me to listen to the guides?
- We will have a radio transmission in Italian, so bring a smartphone to follow Velonotte with 3G. English version would be transmitted over Facebook.
Where can we rent bikes in Florence?
- You have a plenty of choice here.
Our starting point will be at the Piazza San Firenze in the center of the city
If you have further questions, please contact us
Video: Velonotte Olimpica in London in 2012 was wrapped up by unforgettable concert by Trinity Laban string orchestra at 4AM!!!
О нас/ About Us
Since 2007 we have established a series of international Grand-tours in the greatest cities all over the World. Created by Sergey Nikitin & Velonotte International. Read more.
C 2007 года бюро Международных Велоночей и Москультпрог организуют историко-архитектурные Гранд-туры по красивейшим городам мира. Автор и основатель проекта - историк Сергей Никитин.
Контакты/ Contact Us
You can write email at:
velonotte#gmail.com (please replace # with @)
Meet us in Social networks: www.Facebook.com/Velonotte